Der Rottweiler


Rottweiler je nemški pes, ki je uporaben za čuvaja ali hišnega psa. Gre za velikega psa kjer se plečna višina samca giblje med 61 in 68 cm, samic pa med 56 in 63 cm. Ima kratko ostro dlako, ki je črne barve z rdeče rjavimi znamenji. Rottweiler je izredno inteligenten, poslušen in zvest pes, ki pa zaradi svoje dominantne narave potrebuje lastnika, ki z njim ravna vedno umirjeno, odločno in dosledno. Pomembno je tudi, da poskrbimo za zadostno telesno aktivnost psa, saj Rottweilerji potrebujejo veliko gibanja.


Welcome to our site!         News: WE HAVE AVAILABLE PUPPIES !!!

Hello and welcome to our site! My name is Albin Kroflin and I'm a Rottweiler breeder. Ever since I was a young boy I was fascinated with nature and dogs. I had my first dog when I was twelve years old. He was a Border Collie called Sokol (Falcon).

In 1990 I became a member of the kennel club Krka in Novo mesto, where I started training with my German shepherd Rex. However, in 1994 after much thought and careful consideration I decided to buy a rottweiler puppie called Toska. After completing IPO I and breeding exams I started breeding rottweilers in my own kennel.

Today after numerous awards and years of experiance I am proud to say that rottweilers in our kennel have strong bloodlines, excellent show qualities and great work habits.

kennel NILFORK
Albin Kroflin